
 Umbrella Cockatoo

Molly the Umbrella cockatoo.

Molly is five years old and fully feathered. She is a lovely sweet natured girl who wants nothing more than to be loved and wanted and have plenty of one to one time with her carer.

Molly doesn’t “step up” when asked to come out of her cage. She digs her heels in refusing to come out until you back off a little then she’s straight out the door and will clamber around for a couple of mins and then will come to you and. climb onto you.

She loves children and is quite happy to play with them but please be warned, even sweet natured parrots can bite especially cockatoos if they get very excited!

Molly enjoys her food, seed mix and fruit and veg. She has eaten some fruity pellets while here but not as her main food.

While here Molly has been going out in the aviary during the day and although she obviously enjoyed this she wasn’t overly keen on other birds coming too close into her space, she doesn’t seem to get much from the company of other birds but I am NOT saying she doesn’t get on with them just that she is more human focussed and didn’t seem to be overly interested In them. Umbrella cockatoos can be extremely noisy birds, so this will be taken into consideration in the type of accommodation a potential new keeper lives in.

We are looking for a new family for Molly where there is someone at home most of the time, with no young children under four, no dogs as Molly likes to walk around on the floor, detatched property due to noise factors with or without other birds.

Could any applicants please fill out the adoption form with the following

Confirm home most of the day

Confirm no small kids

Confirm no dogs

Confirm property type

Provide a phone number

Give a few details re what kind of home you can offer.

Molly will come with her own large cage, perches, toys, bowls and enough food to last a few days til you can buy some. You will be asked to enter into an adoption contract and a donation would be requested. Insurance will need to be taken out to cover vets fees.

Please be patient while we go through Molly’s applications as we are expecting a lot of applicants so it may take s few days

  • Listing ID: 759