This is Shadow the Nanday conure who is still looking for a new home. As he was originally an injured found bird around a year ago we don’t know his age.
My fosterers have been looking after me about a year now. I was hurt when I was found and spent a week in the hospital then needed some rehab and they have made better.
I couldn’t fly my wings were damaged and feet after a cat had got me when I was outside by myself. I can fly and walk now. I have made friends with there other birds. I’m still a bit scared of a hand but I will let you pick me up with a tea towel I won’t bite, you just got to be patient. I like toys. I like bath or shower. I’m a Lively bird..
I’m looking for a home with at least one other bird as I’m used to having friends now. if you don’t have any friends for me to live with maybe Happy Wings have another one who may suit!
Please pm fill out the adoption if you are interested in offering me a permanent home.
- Listing ID: 515